Sunday, May 20, 2012


Paperwork is DONE!!! Bryan mailed the last of the paperwork in to the agency on Friday. What a feeling of relief. Just in time for the weekend so we can relax.. haha not really, but relax from paperwork. We have our monthly call from the agency tomorrow and we can't wait to tell her the news.

Next step is the home study! So we have been doing some decluttering this weekend in preparation. Which means throwing the boys junky toys away. We will also need to set up the baby's room to show the social worker we have a place for the baby.. not sure how the transfering of furniture is going to work.. but I am excited to put the crib up. =)

Happy belated Mother's day! Super blessed to have these cute little guys. Hope you  have a great week!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

So close!!

Oh man, we're so close! We had our physician letters filled out today, which was one that we've been putting off. Mainly because we knew we were going to have to wait for a long time to be seen. But she gave us the stamp of approval and we were on our way. But we did indeed have to wait longer than I wanted to, with two cranky kids. I forgot to bring food and entertainment, so I'll take part of the blame for the crankiness.

We have 2 outstanding documents that we need other people to complete for us and one more form that we have to fill out. Bryan is filling our final document out as I type. YAY!

So what happens after we finish? We submit the remaining paperwork and they schedule an appointment to come to our house and make sure we're suitable parents..  which we're really hoping we pass, since we already have 2 children and we think we're doing a pretty good job with them. haha Then they do a little report on us and then our family album can be shown to birthmothers!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Education is DONE!!

OHHH YEAH!!!! Finished our education that is required..  Another one bites the dust! I'm excited, can you tell? I will say there are a few more classes we want to take before we welcome our bundle of joy into our lives.

We have 5 more items to complete.. one might say just finish it up already.. well it's not that simple! Most of the items require someone else to complete for us. We constantly have to remind ourselves to be patient.. it will all come together. God has already picked out our child. So hang in there with us.. we can see the light at the end of the paperwork tunnel. We received a huge binder full of paperwork at the beginning of our journey and the binder is almost empty!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


The boys are such a hoot! These are their funny faces... I use this as a tool to get nice photos out of them.. Do funny faces and then do one nice one for me. Pick you battles.. =) They love looking at the funny face ones.

We've been busy getting educated. =) We have completed 3 of the courses and have 3 more to go. We're chugging right along, but I must say this part is taking a little longer than I expected  Seems funny to hurry up so we can wait. =) Anyways, hope you're having a great week and this picture made you smile.