Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Wow! Feeling the love the past 2 weeks. Bryan and I have been telling everyone that were adopting and I am overwhelmed by everyone's support. So exciting to share this with everyone. We have sold 12 bibs as of today!!!  Seems like last week I received a call from Bryan every morning "I've got some good news for yah"..(in claudia's voice). If you don't know what the "claudia voice" is.. next time you see Bryan demand he does it for you. So funny!

I am loving the custom orders! Nothing better than making something one of a kind for someone. I just purchased Duck and Beaver material and have made a few, so those will be posted soon. So if you're looking for something special, don't hesitate to ask because I love that kind of stuff.

I have been hearing a lot of I would like to support your adoption fund, but I don't need any bibs..I totally understand that, so I would love for people to comment and leave ideas for me. So let me know of things you'd be interested in purchasing. I will be posting some pictures of possible fundraising ideas in the next few days. I really want to know what you think so leave a comment for us.

 Also met with Gavin's teacher yesterday to have her fill out a referal letter, which is required for our adopion. She had nothing but awesome things to say about Gav and how he was the perfect student and just a joy to have in class.. that never gets old and made me so proud to be his mama. Sorry had to brag, it was just too awesome not to share.

Here is a new addition to the etsy site. It's an interchangable headband. I absolutely love it and hope that if lord willing we get a girl she can wear them. More to come.http://www.etsy.com/listing/94999934/interchangable-flower-headband?ref=pr_shop
Interchangable flower headband


  1. Emily, I just made a bib purchase after seeing your adorable bib on Maggie Holmes' blog. I have three boys so I will be watching for more boy bibs. :) In the meantime, I had to get a girl one for my best friend who is adopting. Hope all goes well for your family!

    1. Trisha, thank you so much for your bib purchase!!! Bryan just mailed it yesterday! That is so awesome about your friend! I wish her good luck on her journey as well. It was so perfect that you wrote this comment, because I had just gotten back from the fabric store when I got this. I purchased more boy fabric, because I really do understand that it's hard to find cute boy stuff. So more boy stuff is now on my website! =) The tux is by far my favorite boy bib. =) http://www.etsy.com/people/bibsbyleecoe?ref=si_pr
